Use of vehicles registered in Russia

If a vehicle combination registered in Russian Federation with a trailer is declared, the declaration is to be performed by two separate declarations (filling out the online declaration form for each) for both the tractor and the trailer.

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Terms of use of the service

Declaring transit for vehicles registered within the Russian Federation

This service ensures declaration of usage of a vehicle registered within the Russian Federation in general road traffic in the Republic of Latvia (short-term single crossing or transiting).

The declaration can be formally completed for vehicles registered in the Russian Federation for their use in road traffic in the Republic of Latvia, so that such vehicles could cross the territory of Latvia once for transit requirements.

The declaration entitles the vehicle to participate in road traffic in Latvia, crossing its territory during the time period specified in the transit document, bearing in mind that such period can not exceed 24 hours.

In order to receive the service, the person does not need to authorize him/herself in e.CSDD for receipt of services, but must fill out the online declaration form on the CSDD website, indicating the following information:

  • make and model of the vehicle;
  • registration country of the vehicle;
  • vehicle license plate;
  • name, surname, date of birth and e-mail address of the driver of the vehicle;
  • time period during which the vehicle will participate in road traffic in Latvia, not exceeding 24 hours.

The use of a vehicle registered in the Russian Federation in road traffic in the Republic of Latvia does not need to be declared if the vehicle:

  • is currently owned or held by a person who enjoys immunities and privileges in accordance with the norms of international law binding on the Republic of Latvia;
  • OR
  • is currently owned or held by a person who is on a short-term trip, including transit, in order to perform official functions or to provide technical support to a Latvian or foreign diplomatic or consular representation or an international organization;
  • AND
  • - provided that the mentioned circumstances can be documented to the competent officials when stopping a vehicle registered in the Russian Federation in road traffic in the Republic of Latvia.

Declaring the use of a vehicle registered in the Russian Federation in road traffic (short-term single crossing or transiting) in the Republic of Latvia is free of charge.

After completing and confirming the declaration online form, an electronic confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address specified in the Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD) service system to the person making the declaration, such confirmation containing data on declaration of the use of a vehicle registered in the Russian Federation in road traffic (short-term single crossing or transiting) in the Republic of Latvia.

Declaration of the use of a vehicle registered in the Russian Federation in road traffic (short-term single crossing or transiting) in the Republic of Latvia can, in respect to the respective vehicle, be carried out no more than once for a period of time not exceeding 24 hours.

CSDD urges the individuals applying for the service to carefully check and verify the data and information entered in the online declaration form. If errors, omissions or mistakes are made in the online form while declaring the use of a vehicle registered in the Russian Federation in road traffic (short-term single crossing or transiting) in the Republic of Latvia, the declaring individual shall be required to contact assistance e-mail immediately after the attempted declaration.

Description of the service

Download the description document

If you have any problems receiving the service and need technical assistance, please provide the information below and CSDD specialists will help you by sending an answer to the e-mail address specified by you (if "I want to receive a reply to the specified e-mail" is checked). We also welcome feedback and suggestions to improve our services.